Archive 2008
02.01.2008 | New Year's concert "Mit Strauß ins neue Jahr", Orchestra Strauß
Vienna-Tyrol, dancing couple from Vienna, Ester Haffner,
violinist and direction
03.01.2008 | Aromatherapy (ital.) with Angela De Simine
09.01.2008 | Aromatherapy (ital.) with Angela De Simine
14.01.2008 | Slide-show with Kurt Stauder: Über Berg und Tal durch Südtirol
24.01.2008 | Slide-show with Luis Strobl: Von den Dolomiten nach Nepal
29.01.2008 | Concert CASTA - Concerto a fanfare riunite
06.02.2008 | Aromatherapy (ital.) with Angela De Simine
07.02.2008 | Concert - Kapralova Quartet
13.02.2008 | Aromatherapy (ital.) with Angela De Simine
17.02.2008 | Concert - Bezirksblasorchester Osttirol, direction: Hermann Pallhuber
20.02.2008 | Aromatherapy (ital.) with Angela De Simine
21.02.2008 | Slide-show, Globo Alpin: bound for Alta Pusteria
25.02.2008 | Execution chest health: New chance by early diagnosis and
modern treatment, Prof. Dr. Christian Marth
26.02.2008 | Multivisionshow with Markus Rienzner "Extrem Normal"
27.02.2008 | Aromatherapy (ital.) with Angela De Simine
01.03.2008 | Concert - Musikkapelle Toblach
10.04.2008 | Concert - Mariya Kim, piano
12.04.2008 | Inauguration Lichtfries "Das akustische Bild"
02.05.2008 | Concert - Jugendsinfonieorchester Südtirol
14.05.2008 | Event by chamber of commerce Belluno (ital.) Incontro con gli operatori
18.05.2008 | Concert - church choir from Schlanders, Göflan, Kortsch;
direction: Stefan Gstrein
24.05.2008 | SUSSUDIO in concert
31.05.2008 | Ball of jubilee by the mountain-rescue Hochpustertal
13.06.2008 | Concert - Musikkapelle Anras
25.06.-29.06.2008 | International Choirfestival
12.07.-08.08.2008 | 28th Gustav Mahler Music Weeks
27.07.2008 | Light music "Sanremo Story" Graziano e I Sinthfonia
(org. Circolo Culturale)
04.08.2008 | Reading (ital.) Magdi Cristiano Allam
06.08.2008 | Reading (ital.) Alberto Folgheraiter
06.08.2008 | Concert - Canti della montagna Coro dell'ANA
(Associazione Nazionale Alpini) di Roma (org. Circolo Culturale)
09.08.2008 | Concert - music with Daniele Faraotti and his band
(org. Circolo Culturale)
11.08.2008 | Concert "Orchestra Caffè-Concerto-Strauss" (org. Circolo Culturale)
13.08.2008 | Concert - Orchestra Haydn from Bolzano and Trento; Karl Leister, clarinet;
Daniele Giorgi, direction
13.08.2008 | Reading (ital.) Einführung zum historischen Umzug
18.08.2008 | Reading (ital.) with Elisabetta Bucciarelli and Michela Franco
(org. Circolo Culturale)
21.08.2008 | Lecture (ital.) Prof. Giacobbi speaks about the war in the Dolomites
22.08.2008 | Concert - Innviertler Symphony Orchestra; direction: Karen Kamensek
27.08.2008 | Movieevening (ital.) UNDA radio – The history of a pioneer
28.08.2008 | Reading (ital.) with Ivan Cotroneo and Michela Franco Celani
31.08.2008 | Reading (ital.) Dr. Caprarica - Direktor RAI 1
01.09.- 12.09.2008 | International course of interpretation Dobbiaco by the College of
Music Detmold
27.09.2008 | Multivisionshow with extreme climber Norbert Joos
02.10.2008 | Concert - Gustav Mahler Akademie Bozen; direction: Jürgen Kussmaul
09.11.2008 | Concert - Chamber Choir Leonhard Lechner; direction: Othmar Trenner;
piano: Judith Piccolruaz
03.12.2008 | ConCert "Advent verschiedener Länder und Kulturen";
direction: Karmina Silec
28.12.2008 | HG 80 Ensemble
30.12.2008 | Aromatherapy (ital.) with Angela De Simine
30.12.2008 | New Year's Concert - Orchestra Haydn from Bolzano and Trento;
direction: M°Arthur Fagen