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Wednesday, 07. March 2018
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Prieth & Krempl

Mar 24 2018, 20:00

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Euregio Kulturzentrum

March 26 2017




Contemporary folk music

© Daliah Spiegel


Alma are five young musicians whose lives have always been entangled with folk music.
They all grew up in musical families, and from their earliest age their commitment to traditional
music was as important to them as going to school or riding a bike.
Their enthusiasm naturally led them to seek academic training to perfect their musical
education, and to embark on numerous ensemble projects exploring a variety of dierent
musical styles (also entailing the successful abandonment or completion of their ventures).

With their roots deeply embedded in traditional folk music, and drawing on their training in
various musical instruments, their experience in different musical genres, and a keen interest
in cultures and customs, Alma have been making music together since 2011. Their
notes, sounds and rhythms are meant to reach the listeners in the place where their own
roots lie hidden. These young musicians cherish the traditional as much as its modern
interpretation or collective improvisation; after all, folk music always adapts to the present
and to its contemporaries. This approach is the basis of the band’s carefully selected, wideranging
repertoire, which includes old yodels, songs and traditional melodies as well as
own compositions and new arrangements of familiar tunes.

Julia Lacherstorfer - violin, voice
Evelyn Mair - violin, voice
Matteo Haitzmann - violin, voice
Marie-Theres Stickler – diatonic harmonica, voice
Marlene Lacherstorfer - double bass


Tickets, regular price 18 Euro
  Tickets, reduced:
children <15, students 15 Euro
people 65+ 15 Euro
50% GHT CultureCard 9 Euro