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June 07 2019




Prelude anniversary year 2019

ANNO 1869

Conference on history of mountaineering and fil of the north wall by Reiner Kauschke

Last September the mountaineering legend Christoph Hainz accompanied Reiner Kauschke for his 80th birthday along the Route “Sachsenweg – the Superdirettisima” on the Cima Grande. The route was first climbed by Kauschke together with Peter Siegert and Gerd Uhner back in the winter of 1963. 55 years ago they spent 17 days in the rock face, at temperatures of minus 30 degrees Celsius. This time, the summer ascent took them 17 hours. This extraordinary climb has been filmed and it will be premiered in the Euregio Cultural Center Gustav Mahler in Dobbiaco to honor Reiner Kauschke and open the celebrations.

The evening will be introduced by a lecture about the alpine history presented by the local mountain guide Erwin Steiner.

Tourist Info Dobbiaco


Free entry, no reservation required!