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Gustav-Mahler Musikwochen, Festspiele Südtirol

August 25 2018




Gustav Mahler: Symphony No.8

Symphony-orchestra and Choirs
„Symphony of a Thousand“

Soprano 1 (Magna Peccatrix): Ania Vegry
Soprano 2 (Una poenitentium): Mechtild Bach
Soprano (Mater gloriosa): Stephanie Bogendörfer
Contralto 1 (Mulier Samaritana): Ruth-Maria Nicolay
Contralto 2. (Maria Aegyptiaca): Marlene Lichtenberg
Tenor: (Doctor Marianus): Christian Voigt
Baritone (Pater ecstaticus): KC Martin Gantner
Bass (Pater profundus): Jörg Hampel
Südtiroler Vokalensemble, direction: Michael Hillebrand
Maria-Ward-Chor Nymphenburg, direction: Michael Konstantin
Münchner Konzertchor, direction: Benedikt Haag
Münchner Motettenchor, direction: Benedikt Haag
Münchner Knabenchor, direction: Ralf Ludewig
Symphonic Orchestra and Choirs of the “Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”
Direction of the choir: Christian Jeub

Martin Wettges, conductor


Venue: Ice Arena Toblach

In collaboration with Musik Sommer Pustertal and Festspiele Südtirol


Tickets, regular price 37 Euro
  Tickets, reduced:
children <15, students 27 Euro
people 65+ 27 Euro
50% GHT CultureCard 18,50 Euro