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Euregio Kulturzentrum

April 15 2018






© Maria Frodl

A seven-piece ensemble that redefines brass-band music. Utterly incredible skills meet the necessary youthful and charming freshness in playing, musical arrangements.

The group Federspiel was founded 2004 in Krems at the Danube. Crucial impulses came from Rudi Pietsch, who rehearsed from the beginning, especially arranged, for the cast, original folk music. Federspiels particular style is defined by the origins and backgrounds of each individual musician and creates the unique sound of the band. Due to this part of Federspiel`s music are therefore self-penned compositions with pop-elements as well as arrangements of traditional Mexican music or the zither as a solo instrument. Therefore their type or genre of music doesn’t exist as they are unable to be placed within the parameters of existing genres like “folk”, “world”, “traditional” music. So the style of the Ensembles is described best by its own name: Federspiel (feather game).


Tickets, regular price 25 Euro
  Tickets, reduced:
children <15, students 20 Euro
people 65+ 20 Euro
50% GHT CultureCard 12.5 Euro