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Festspiele Südtirol

August 29 2020



Child piano prodigies

Part 1
Yuki Serino, violin & Maximilian Trebo, piano
Child piano prodigies - "Pianofriends" Association Milano

Gabriele Rizzo
(11 years, Italy):
Johann Sebastian Bach:
Präludium und Fuge in c-minor from
„Wohltemperierten Klavier, 1th Book
Franz Liszt: Study Op.1 Nr.12
Sergei Rachmaninow: “Pulcinella”’ from Pianopieces, op.3

Mattias Antonio Glavinic (11 years, Croatia):
Franz Schubert: Impromtu in A flat major Op.90 Nr. 4 
Schubert-Liszt: Ständchen

Shang-En Hsieh (10 years, Taiwan):
Johann Sebastian Bach:
From "The Well Tempered Clavier", Book 1
Prelude and Fugue no. 3 in C sharp major, BWV 848
Robert Schumann, Intermezzo op. 26 no. 4
Pjotr Ilijtsch Tschaikovsky / Pletnev:
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
(From "The Nutcracker")

Monica Zhang (13 years, China-Italy):
Sergej Prokofjew: Piano Sonata Op.28
Nikolaj Rimskij Korsakow: „Hummelflug““
(Transcription: Sergej Rachmaninow)

Part 2
Maximilian Trebo, piano
Works by Bach, Busoni, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Chopin, Liszt

20€ | 15€

Gustav Mahler Auditorium

