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Euregio Kulturzentrum

December 30 2019



New Year's Eve Concert 2019

Orchestra Haydn from Bolzano and Trento

Traditional New Year's Eve Concert with Orchestra Haydn from Bolzano and Trento

Gustav Mahler Hall, Dobbiaco
Felix Bender, conductor
Silvia Micu, soprano
Orchestra Haydn from Bolzano and Trento

Gaetano Donizetti: Don Pasquale – Preludio                                                                                        
Gaetano Donizetti: Don Pasquale "Quel guardo il cavaliere"    
Amilcare Ponchielli: La Gioconda: Danza delle ore                                                                   
Franz Lehár: Wilde Rosen                                                  
Johann Strauss, jr: Annen-Polka                                                                                 
Franz Lehár: Gold und Silber                                                                                
Johann Straus, jr: Die Fledermaus: "Spiel' ich die Unschuld"           
Emil Waldteufel: Die Schlittschuhläufer                                                        
Johann Strauss, jr: Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka                                                                                                 
Johann Strauss, jr: An der schönen blauen Donau         


Ticketing (organizer: Orchestra Haydn of Bolzano and Trento)
