Gustav Mahler Musikwochen Toblach 2016
16. – 28.07.2016
Series of lectures in German and Italian without translation:
“The Ninth and Mahler’s existential crisis: harmony and dissonances.”
Friday, 15th July
8.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Movie: Homage to Henry Louis de La Grange
For the Love of Mahler: the inspired life of Henry-Louis de La Grange
Author and producer: Jason Starr
(in English with German subtitles)
Saturday, 16th July
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Beethoven Orchester Bonn
Stefan Blunier, conductor
Gustav Mahler: Symphony N.9
37€ | 27€
Sunday, 17th July
Matinée 11.00 am, Spiegelsaal
Szenen einer Ehe. Mahlers Ehekrise und die Komposition der „Neunten“
Sebastian Baur & Caroline Germany: speaker
Maximilian Trebo: piano
15€ | 10€
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Harmonie und Disharmonie im Verhältnis zwischen Leben und Werk
Philosophical talk between Dr. Dr. Manfred Osten and Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Safranski
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
KammerChor Saarbrücken
Georg Grün, conductor
Arrangements by Clytus Gottwald:
Die zwei blauen Augen, Scheiden und Meiden, Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, Urlicht, Erinnerung, Es sungen drei Engel, Im Abendrot
Max Reger (for the 100th anniversary of his death): O Tod, wie bitter bist du, Drei Chöre op. 39
25€ | 15€
Monday, 18th July
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Mahler und Goethe
Lecture by Goethe researcher Dr. Dr. Manfred Osten
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Cathy Krier, piano
Leos Janáček: „Auf verwachsenem Pfade“ piano cycle (1911)
Maurice Ravel: Valses nobles et sentimentales (1911)
Alban Berg: Piano Sonata op.1 (1907/1908)
Franz Schubert: „Wanderer-Fantasie“ in C major op.15
25€ | 15€
Tuesday, 19th July
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Süße Bitternis, bittere Süße – Mahlers späte Klänge
Lecture Prof. Dieter Schnebel (Berlin)
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Haydn Orchestra
Arvo Volmer, conductor
Gustav Mahler?/Anton Bruckner?: Symphonic Prelude (Original version)
Bedrich Smetana: Vitava, Symphonic poem
Gustav Mahler: Symphony N.1 (Hamburg version)
30€ | 20€
Wednesday, 20 July
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
a) Krise – Ehebruch - Neuanfang: Alma Mahlers Verhältnis zu Walter Gropius und die Auswirkungen auf ihre Ehe mit Gustav Mahler
Lecture by PD Dr. Annemarie Jaeggi (Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung Berlin)
b) Harmonie und Disharmonie in Gustav Mahlers Zehnter Symphonie. Der Briefwechsel Alma Mahlers mit Walter Gropius als Schlüssel zum Verständnis
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Jörg Rothkamm (University Tübingen)
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Composition Contest by the South Tyrolean Artists Association
Concert with the winners and price awarding ceremony
Windkraft – Kapelle für Neue Musik
Kasper de Roo, conductor
25€ | 15€
Thursday, 21st July
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
a) Musik & Emotionen: Über die Bedeutung von Musik aus neurowissenschaftlicher Perspektive
Lecture by neuroscientist Prof. Dr. Stefan Koelsch (University Berlin and Bergen)
b) Die neurobiologischen Implikationen von Musik und Emotion
Research report by Prof. Alice Proverbio Mado (Università Bicocca, Mailand)
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Aris Quartett
Joseph Haydn: Quartet in G minor op. 74/3 „The Rider“
Max Reger: Quartet in A major op. 54/2
Felix Mendelssohn: Quartet in F minor op.80
25€ | 15€
Friday, 22nd July
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Armonie e conflitti
Lecture by philosopher and politician Massimo Cacciari
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Polina Pasztircsak, soprano
Isabel Charisius, viola
Vítězslav Novak: Piano Quartet in C minor op.7 (1894/1899)
Gustav Mahler: 5 Rückert-Lieder (arrangement for soprano and piano quartet)
Dmitri Shostakovich: Romance suite op. 127 for soprano and piano trio
Dmitri Shostakovich: Trio N. 2 E minor op.67
25€ | 15€
Saturday, 23rd July
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
“Interrogatorio” morale-giuridico sulle „Le Ragioni di Alma“
Dialogue between Mahler-expert Avv. Maurizio de Vecchi and author of the book “Le Ragioni di Alma”, Luisella Cassetta Giustinelli
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Jorge E. López
Mountain War Project
Dream structure for video design with concrete and instrumental surround sound
Sunday, 24th July
Matinée, 11.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Movie: Film zu den Mahler-Balletten von John Neumeier mit dem Hamburg Ballett
Dritte Sinfonie von Gustav Mahler und »Purgatorio« aus der „Zehnten“
Introduction by dramaturg André Podschun.
In cooperation with the Gustav Mahler Society Hamburg
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Mahlers früheste Dirigenten:
a) Willem Mengelberg, Mahlers Wegbereiter der ersten Stunde.
Lecture by Dr. Eveline Nikkels, Amsterdam
b) Bruno Walter - Mahlers Wegbereiter weltweit.
Lecture by Sybille Werner, New York
8.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Movie: Il canto della terra (Das Lied von der Erde)
By Giorgio Grava
Thursday, 28th July
8.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Gustav Mahler Academy Bolzano
Diego Tosi, violin
Katrin Wundsam, mezzosoprano
Matthias Pintscher, conductor
Arnold Schönberg: „Begleitungsmusik zu einer Lichtspielscene“ op. 34
Matthias Pintscher: „Mar'eh“ for violin and orchestra
Gustav Mahler: „Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen“
Arnold Schönberg: Chamber Symphony N. 1
30€ | 20€
Special Concert
Gustav Mahler Musikwochen – Musik Sommer Pustertal
Friday, 12th August
4.00 pm, Spiegelsaal
Introduction to Symphony n.3 di Gustav Mahler by Prof. Dr. Susanne Rode-Breymann
(in German)
6.00 pm, Gustav Mahler Hall
Ruth-Maria Nicolay, dramatic soprano
Orchestra and Choir of the „Musikakademie der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes“
Children’s Choir of the music schools Bruneck and Klausen
Martin Wettges, conductor
Johannes Brahms: „Altrhapsodie“
Gustav Mahler: Symphony N.3
30€ | 20€
Foyer, 1st floor
The K&K Burlesque: The round dance of the wealthy between militarism and eroticism as reflected by the socio-critial magazine "Die Muskete" (The Musket). Illustrations to the "Burleske" of the "Ninth" and to the marriage crisis of Gustav and Alma Mahler 1909-1910.
Curated by Hubert Stuppner
Foyer, 1st floor in front of the Spiegelsaal
Exhibition relating to Gustav Mahler's 1st Symphony: Autographs, Letters, Documents
Curated by Sybille Werner
ABO 3: 3 concerts of your choice at reduced prices
Abo Week: 16-22.07.2016= 105€
Mahler ABO: 16.-28.07.2016= 135€
Reduced price for children, teenagers under 18, students, people over 65 and people who purchase a ticket for 3 different concerts in the course of the Gustav Mahler Music Weeks.
Responsible for the scientific part: Hubert Stuppner
Responsible for the musical part: Josef Lanz